August 9, 2013

The Beautiful End.

     If I am a Romeo then Shanghai would be my Juliet. This however is not an ode to the city that I love. Past 6 years have been a precious chapter of my life - but things end. And quite sadly even the good things do. Last month I went through goodbye of multitude so high that it left a lump in my heart. Now in Kathmandu, the other city I looovvveee, I have all the time in the world to reflect upon the fairy tale like 6 years that I spent in Shanghai. Like every good story have some heroes, mine had some too. It was particularly hard to say goodbye to those. Among the stars in my life they will forever shine the brightest. So this is for them. Not for Shanghai, not for Kathmandu but only for them.

The end...
The beginning...

Perhaps this is the end,
Or the new beginning is it?
They say nothing comes with guarantees,
but right this moment as I write and pause
my beating heart loves you-
like a friend, a brother and a family.
Loves you,
like the only way I should.
And oh'dear - moments makes life.
And I dedicate this moment to you.

And how do I put it short and sweet?
Let's just say-
One day when you are in the crowded room-
full of strangers.
And you need a friend,
I will smile from across the room-
for you - Just for you.
(7th July - 2013)