January 29, 2011

artsy fartsy!!

     I believe art in its truest sense is practically dead. How can you consider anything as art, when all works of art have to pass under a limbo bar along with the things like Taste and The Public Interest all tied like a thin can to the waging tail of the sacred Prime Rate Poodle? It's business. Art literally means creating something out of nothing and selling it. Nobody really cares about artists. They have no meaning, no lobby and no power to control the payment of royalties due to them for their material. The industrial entities that consume the art - like commercial businesses all have contracts which are basically designed to deprive the artist of all his rights. You might find a rare "real" artist today, but when he's got a wife and four children to feed, he's got no choice but to join the bandwagon. Is this the evidence of human evolution? Yes. In fact , it all falls under Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest . We need money to survive and exploiting as artist's talent for money is a clever idea.

     Poetry makes fancy castles in the clouds of sentiments. These so-called  high art originates in an empty mind and re more often linked by idlers. Sitting idle giving birth to such creations and going through them, just gets my goat. Apart from the creations by likes of Devkota and Shakespeare (and many other), art in all forms is generally boring, which adds to the complexities of life. The artist creates his work with one idea, but by the time audience receives it, it has already changed its meaning. High art not only wastes precious time and resources, sometimes these also communicate violent messages that are not beneficial to the society. To go through high art is only another way to boost the sale of tablets for headache. Stories of epics and the tele-serials are good to watch, but one one implements them in their life. Had it been such, human history would have eliminated the problems of racial discriminations, intercaste marriages and others long ago. If they can not be copies in real life, what is the worth of such things? #just saying.. don't get itchy!!

meanwhile i found this print-advert over the internet!! Dyna Street Bob Motorcycle: ARTSY FARTSY (how creative!!)


January 28, 2011

in persuit of perfection

(written somewhere in 2005!!)

     I was standing in the lanes of city. I overheard two teenagers debating over who was more over weight, each stretching her belly out. I started giggling. Not that i consider myself as a perfect person, but its always fascinating to see how people think that they are the only ones with problems. We always come across people who picker about the way they they look. Including you and me. Some are desperate to lose weight, some to gain. Dark complexion ought to be "fair and lovely", fair to be tanned. Curly hair to be straightened, and so on. Seems like everyone wants to be someone but oneself.

     "Must you look like Brad Pitt or Halle Berry to be admired" says who? O.Winfrey. She may not be awe inspiring glamdoll but she reigns in million hearts. She sure does belong to astounding world of media but her true beauty lies in her altruistic humanitarian service more than her appearance. Nicome Kidman being portrayed as author Virginia Woolf in "The Hours", Charleze Therone in " The Monster and Salma Hayak as Frida In "Frida" were audacious because they not only had to trust aside their beauty but turn into unglamorous historical characters. Consequently they were highly appreciated for their dedication to the extreme. Ofcourse, there was more to them than their humble makeup. Kidman and Therone went away with Academy award for their performance.

     Appearance is the major concern in our lives. We are always worried about the what others think about us, rather than concentrating on our own needs. Everyone waiting to be slim, pretty, brawny and handsome because that is what others expect of one. We meet lives toggling to meet others configurations but do we consider our own aspiration?

     The lust of perfection is irresistible among people. What unfolds us as a consequence is the horrible escape of physical and mental trauma. The problem with us is that we live our lives according to stupid and arbitrary beauty standards. The moment we idolize people, we at once seek to be like them. Why can be appreciate them  while also being ourselves?

     I once watched a controversial documentary on Michael Jackson. The most upsetting thing there was the response of people who were making such a big deal out of his plastic surgery. He aint the first one to undergo plastic surgery and he wont be that last one either. Its like people are unhappy, and they always look for the chance to make others feel miserable as well. Personally, I feel it is okay to opt for the styles that suit you better, until and unless its done at the cost of your life.

     Just recently the line from one particular line from a book caught my attention "most people, who look at the mirror, tend to look at their imperfections rather than their perfections"..how true!! Its hard to believe people who endue cool looks are most often blues. They tend to opt for certain styles just for the heck of it. So i question "how can the first impression become the last impression", for it can almost always be deceptive. Its not just about appearance but about everything; life, relations....!! We are always overwhelmed that someone is always better than us. May be there is nothing like real eye opener. Nothing we speak or do can bring about a change in ones complex. Dissatisfaction is our instinct, and that is what makes us what we are. Let me  end it with the famous lines from Eleanor Roosevelt.."do the things which is in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway". So respect your individuality and be the columbus of your own soul.

thought no.2//

     If we are individuals courageous enough to be honest with ourselves instead of spending time and energy to be perfect in this imperfect world, we would rather recognize that howsoever 'lawful' our state and howsoever compassionated our constitution, unless we first, accept that we have unlawful tendencies within ourselves; and second, do something to get rid of them. We will never live in lawful society in its truest sense!!

January 27, 2011

thought no.1//

     While u wanted things to stay the same, thats just not possible. Embrace change whole heartedly. This sense of adventure will help you through experience and you may even start to enjoy it. So let bygones be bygones!! Also when you are brooding over your past or making elaborate and immaculate plans for the future, you are losing your present. Its not what happened in the past. It is not abut what can happen in the future. The time is now. It doesn't matter what you can be. Nothing else matters than the moment at hand. Take clues from the past and plan for the future. In the meantime enjoy your life now!!..
much love till I write thought no.2// cya
:: as Gandhi wud say "be the change u want to see"

January 26, 2011

duty of doubt..!!

     We are taught that the faith is virtue. This is obviously true in some cases, and to my mind equally false in others. There are occasions when the need for it must be emphasized. Nevertheless, at the present time I believe that mankind is suffering from too much, rather than too little faith, and it is the doubt rather than the faith that must be preached. I am not thinking wholly or even mainly of faith in Hinduism, in Islam, in Christianity or any other religion, but simply of the habit of taking things for granted. Nor am I preaching a blind and hapazard doubt, which is unintelligent as blind faith, and far less faithful.

     As we all know modern science began with great acts of doubt. Copernicus doubted that the sun went around the earth, Galileo that the heavy body fall faster than the light ones, Harvey that the blood flowed into the tissues through the vein. They had each a theory to replace the old one, and their observations and experiments were largely designed to support theory. But as time went on these theories, too, were found wanting. The planets don’t go round the sun in circles as Copernicus thought; gravitation is a more complex affair than Galileo or even Newton believed. And nowadays, through many experiments are made to support old or new theories, large numbers merely go to prove them false without putting in their place.

     One of the members from the Carnegie dynasty rightly slated that its harder to phrase something than to earn a million bucks. However, let me dare to phrase one for myself or for the sake of this page. Here it goes, “ITS THE NATURE OF HUMANS TO OBEY DUTY OF DOUBT”. I believe that each one of the 6 million or more people living in this earth have doubted about something, somebody or some incidents, for at-least once. So be it….

January 25, 2011

my yard

not my creation..// but good thing are worth sharing..!!

in a narrow alley is my yard.
what isn't here? everything is.

countless disease,

endless hunger,

boundless grief,

only bliss is absent,

there's a ban on it.
in a narrow alley is my yard.
what isn't here? everything is.
in this yard of mine
god-made men and
man-made gods
both live.
but both are dejected.
both are frustrated.
men are dejected
because they are
tortured by fleas all-night-long
tortured by monies all-day-long
and the gods are frustrated
no one worships them, no one respects them
so, in this yard
gods and men
blaming each other
curse their luck together
in a narrow alley is my yard.
what isn't here? everything is.

~~Tanslated from "Mero Chowk" by Bhupi Sherchan in "Ghumne Mechmaathi Andho Maanchhe."~~


     There is good and there is evil, right and wrong, heroes and villains. And if we are blessed with the wisdom , then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where the light streams through. We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made.. when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself. And if we have strength to be honest, then what we find there staring back at us is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life, that each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, the good and the evil, of either, of all. And the destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto and the promises we keep.

January 23, 2011

my big fat nepalese gang!!

     Wherever in the world you are now,

     Due to life circumstances, controllable, unavoidable or otherwise, keeping up and staying in touch with friends has become somewhat of an issue. So much so that we loose that friendship and in most cases we don't even mind loosing it. It is an issue on two levels, one, I keep thinking about them and two, I keep wondering how the friendship could have evolved with extended time. Now the second factor is interesting, and also opens up some questions. I have been accused, indicted, commented upon, in varying degrees of fashion that I do not open up enough to friends around me, hence limiting the extent of the level of intimacy that I can share with the friend. This I have to admit is TRUE, despite myself being an open book, often prattling upon random bits of information that society considers inappropriate, private, socially unconventional or otherwise.

      Its not that I intend to keep arms length away from people. I can only offer a few explanations as to why that is the case( if you were wondering why I was distant from you as a friend).

     In hindsight when I look back at college, I realised for the most part with most people, I need to spend an extended period of time with an individual before that person actually becomes my friend. Only a couple of people are exempt from this- you know who you are.

     For example going to class with someone twice a week does not suffice. And may I also add that due to my own lack of effort, most friendships I had with college classmates stayed on a superficial level. Looking back it pained me to realise that a few individuals out there liked me as friend, made and effort, and I didn't return the favor. So then I learned, that I needed to make an effort, and open to up to people.Then again also I do connect with some individuals better than others-this is rather unavoidable given my background. I was also thankful that I chose to rekindle the lost friendships, and moved some friendships away from the incubation stage.

     I sometimes give myself the benefit of excuses such as " oh if its meant to be, its meant to be", giving too much importance to the element of probability. If the extent of time spent with a person is a factor in my friendships-perhaps this is a something I need to learn how to overcome, given the demands of time and attention placed on us. But then overall, I was grateful for those I met, and those I shared good times and bad times with, even if I was with them for a short time.

     Of course, if our friendship stayed solid over years, I think there is something to celebrate, don't you think?
     Least i can do is try to keep in touch and avoid the tag"i am busy"..!!<and this tag my fren is nothin' but a big fat horseshit>

(1st October 2010)

massacre of the innocent!!

     To the millions of sacrificed souls that have been sent to Heaven due to the carnivorous appetite of man. Their beaks broken their legs torn off before the slaughter. Homogenized in factories to never reproduce offspring, they are flightless. Can you hear the requiem of massacre. My earthly doomed turkey, goat and chicken friends one day we will be together, we will fly across the sky/play in the garden.

     So much so for our greedy palate. For you(turkey, chicken goat n' them all) I will eat corn.Gobble. Gobble.

this is one of my first blogs// i intend to continue// lets see:)