I smile, my stomach flutters - Oh'yes I'm prone to flattery. I remember when I was in school we were given this school project to write about somebody that makes you happy. Somebody wrote about me. It was embarrassing but flattering nonetheless. But this post isn't about me. Its about an artist (and this is a genuine stroke of compliment). I don't blog as much as I used to. Primarily because I decided not to blog about bullshit. I decided to blog about people - people I know who inspires, who aspires and who are interesting. But I gave in to my studies and work. My idea got rusted and was stored in "One day I'll blog about this" domain. I let go of the idea after I stumbled upon similar blog post with similar idea material. It was by a dear blog buddy Shaku and I didn't want to be accused of plagiarism. Now, I've figured and convinced myself its not about me but about the talent in question. I wanted to write about many people, one among them being Amrit. I had stumbled upon
his blog and was bowled over by his undeniable talent. The talent only few possess. The masterful stroke of genius. I admit I stalked
his blog and I wasn't shy to let him know that he had earned a loyal fan (fan it is!!!).
Talent is a gift. You might or might not possess. Some are masterful speakers, others are musically inclined. Some run, some knit. But then there are some few whose talent involves people. For example singers entertain the listeners, dancers amuse the audience. One of such unconventional talents is sketching. And my dear blog readers, Amrit is a gem of an artist. He has this tandem of amazing sketches uploaded in his Facebook that displays some random people and their montaz of emotions. He often, although by no means always, sketches faces of people. Personally speaking I've tried my hand at sketching. Its not my thing and its an easy thing. It needs patience and certain degree of concentration. Amrit, you've got things working on your favor. Keep those hands moving. The stroke of a charcoal sketch will lead you to stroke of colorful future. Take things stride by stride and wait for the wonder waiting to unfold.
I've had my sketches made before. The difficult part in looking into your own sketches is not identifying it. You don't see part of yourself in the lifeless sketch. Last time I had my sketch done I gasped and exclaimed with a look of disapproval. It just wasn't me. But this fine morning I woke up to stumbled upon a sketch tagged to me on Facebook. And to my utter surprise I saw myself. I saw so much of me in that picture. And that's how I know the artist, Amrit, is a good one and in here for a long haul. Might I remind you all I haven't met this person. He did it all through this one picture uploaded as my Facebook profile. And that's call's for cheers and applauds. Such masterful observation. I for one, am happy to have served muse to one talented soul. Amrit, you've earned a loyal follower and I've a feeling there's many more to come. So pat your back, face the sun and tell yourself "I'm one hell of an Artist." and an artist you rightfully are. Kudos and applauds. All in all, I'am glad to have served as a muse to one of your gazillion creations.
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That's me! I wanted to share more of his sketches but am not sure if I can do that without his permission. So, spare me. Follow the the link below to check his blog.
http://amwrit.blogspot.com/ |