February 22, 2011

facto non verba!!

     One of my friends just came back from a long and tiring visit to Nepal. He had so many good things to say but dang, came the bad bits lil' later. I have to admit I dont't like hearing bad things about Nepal (and none of us Nepalese do), but it makes me sad that I couldn't even defend because truth be told, there is no denying that whatever he was saying were all true.

     I have to admit that I am a big complainer. But it also makes me happy to know that there are people who are doing their bits in improving and uplifting the situation in the country. I just read an article written by Samriddhi Rai who is reigning Miss Tourism Queen. I don't know her personally and neither have I followed her success closelySamriddhi Rai happened after I left Nepal and I came to know about her after I viewed her "soul sister" video which was all over my Facebook homepage. And after that, I have to admit, I kind of started stalking her (not literally but in a way a loyal admirer would do). And its the people like her who makes me want to do more than I have been doing, take one more step towards improving the life of myself and the country as a whole. I don't know wheather or not my big words will transcend into action but I will remain motivated. And its people like her who helps me staying motivated. I just wish she keeps on writing and giving us the bigger picture. Those brief snippets that she writes helps me transport away from the maelstrom of everyday life and put me into a state of calm reflection, affording me a true sense of clarity. So to say, even while we are surrounded by the usual facade of daily industry, it is always possible to separate ourselves away from the chaos, to notice the smaller details or merely to view things from a different perspective. And positive frame of perspective is all we need in Nepal because there are people who care and willing to do something. So Samriddhi Rai and those who are reading keep motivating and stay motivated.

1 comment:

  1. yey!! she actually read it:)
    i just have to bookmark what she had to say!!

    "Samriddhi Rai 22 February at 15:42 Report
    awww thats so sweet of you shailesh .. :') thankyou so much ... well i tried posting a comment on your blog too but i dont think i made it lol .. but yeah .. u have an amazing talent to write ..and wel you know that ... keep writing .. and i will keep writing ... :) one day we will get there hai .. i dont know where tho haha

    tc matey
    its great to have you on my facebook ;)
    SAM".. via. facebook message:)


stay insanely happy ♥