January 25, 2012

*Nepal’s Twitterati : This, that and those*

     Like Facebook wasn't enough, one day my curiosity got better of me and I signed up for Twitter. In the beginning of the beginning when I started, I couldn't decipher the phenomenal craze among Twitter users. Time passed by (as they always do) and I started getting recognition for my pseudo humor. People followed me and I followed some back. At first, I showed green flag to those who seemed friendly and who had certain type of language (meaning I could talk with them - soon I realized I wasn't there to make friends). After months it dawned on me that there exists several easily distinguishable mini clans within Twitter. Besides the poised writers, infamous and famous bloggers, mini to mega celebs - there were also the freaks, the stalkers, the haters and the pedophiles (yes, I said pedophiles). And don't judge them as yet - they all tweet just as passionately as any other Tom, Dick and Harry.

     All in the name of social networking (or entertaining). Here, I take the mighty initiative of categorizing Nepal’s Twitterati, so that you may know who you are following (or unfollowing).
  • The Good for Nothing : Guilty as charged. No denial here - I fit this tag. We don't chat much. We make our presence felt and flood the timeline and then disappear for months. We get occasional bashing's and wholesome re-tweets. We are good for nothing. I deem, that is how twitter's supposed to be. In all seriousness - just the time pass.
  • Nepal's very own Fox news : They are the one's who shocks me the most. They constantly scrutinize the media and don't fail to share even when Obama decides to pee. Did I mention that they do it 'constantly?' I have a theory - they are being paid to be awfully boring. They inform us about the latest gizmo's in Ktm town, latest political fiasco's. In fact they can rival Fox news - no kidding.
  • Political-moral Watchdogs : They present society in a way they deem fit. They comment on what morally should and shouldn't be. What was the lame political move and what wasn't. Yes, they decide the fate of many things (sometimes unjustfully).
  • The Sport Enthusiasts : Man!!! They sure do know how to flood the timeline. Now, I prefer to go to twitter instead of watching 'IT' live. Best thing about this kind is that they be-friend each other. Unlike blood brothers they get along and chat along.
  • The Chat Monsters : Now they form mini-clans (I have my own). They form the tight group and render that whatever they talk about is private. They chat their heart away and rarely invite or accept the outside-of-the-group queries.
  • The Promoters : My Blogger, my Word press, my Tumbler, my Website, my Flicker, my This, my That. Enough said.
  • The Amused ones : They are the happy one's who re-tweet and favourite everything that attracts their fancy. Don't entertain them too much or else they will reply with their precious LOL's and LMFAO's. And please spare HAHA's and HEHE's.
  • The Decent Writer : Despite having gazillions followers - these kinds will act amicable and humble. They sutely display and hint that they've master's degree form reputable university abroad. They don't change their display picture much and sure as hell comment on literature, philosophy and world politics. Of course their writing always have aristocratic grandeur - with certain panache. Their DP's usually comprise cartoon characters, cup of coffee or some mumbo jumbo figure.
  • Haters and Whiners : Twitter is not your shrink no matter how cathartic you deem tweeting is. We all are fighting battles and we all know what pain is but Twitter is not going to help you cure your psychological agony. The Constant Whiner floods his / her timeline with tweets about how unfair God rendered their lives. “Ma homewurk suxxx”, one entered. I unfollowed her instantly.
  • The Poised ones : They hardly follow back. They are too individualistic (in their head) and think that they are world famous (let along KTM town famous) all because of their twitter account. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  • The Devotees : They devote all their time to promote one particular celeb. Either Rajesh Hamal or Rajnikant. By the power vested to me by twitter I hereby knight you "Hard Workers." But just one question what are you working so hard for. Can't you just have fun and let be.
     Am not claiming that this list is lock, stock and barrel. Just the word of advice - "In all seriousness, don't take my tweets seriously. 140 character tweet is shared all in good humor."


  1. nicely done!! welcome to the dark side.. and where is ur love thy neighbour spirit? hehe

  2. Hahhahahah don't take your tweets seriously with all do respect hehehe. I'm among the chat monsters, sports monster and the amused ones then. Am I right?

  3. @Yumaraj :: sarcasm aaie ;)
    @limshaku :: u and i have mini clan of our own. u r chat monster and amused one for sure!!!


stay insanely happy ♥