May 17, 2011

what meets the eye!!

     Before you proceed further and call me a shallow being, lemme announce loud and clear that I readily accept that I'm shallow as shallow can be and I intend to keep it that way. If you want to adjust your perspective in sync with mine, I'd say that the true mystery of the world is the visible not the invisible. The invisible part leaves too much space for our brain to chance upon lots of fabricated and imaginary stories. I care more about posh and dandy than the insightful and knowledgeable.

    When people add me in Facebook, particularly strangers, I peek in.. scrutinize.. and if I see posh and dandy face, I show the green signal. Don't judge me yet!! I know all of us are shallow in one ways or the other. I've been blessed with amazing people along the journey of life. The righteous thing that god (that is if god exists) bestowed me with is the series of events that led me to people that I've met in person or otherwise. I don't consider myself as a person who lives, breaths and be-friends internet. But then life has its way of letting us know that we are a creature and hence, bound by instincts. We as fragile and mortal humans, are bounds by our own set of instincts. We crave for intimacy. Our deepest source of inspiration in anchored upon the fact that we are bound with another fragile and mortal beings who tend to give us a feeling of being wanted. This very urge or shall I say need, made us social of all beings. And hence, we put ourselves out there in the map.. to talk, to shake hands, to laugh and above all to feel intimate with mortals just like us. Facebook, Twitter are just mundane portals which are nothing but a solid example of the fact that humans can go to any length to connect with other person who crave intimacy just as much as they do. Cutting to the chase and getting back to the topic, I chose to be an active Facebook/Twitter/Blog user not so long ago and quite interestingly found couple of people who connected with me and amazingly so. I laughed and clapped with them. I knew their likes and dislikes, where they worked and where they vacationed, who they loved and who they hated, we shared thoughts about the shallowest things possible and yet that brought me purest happiness. Yes with time I was turning into a Facebook/Twitter/Blog whore. But why would I care... am a shallow person, right? If shallowness (by worldly standards) means to be-friend people via. unusual portals, then yes I'm shallow. If shallowness is taking a time in a day to connect with people who are far and beyond and still care enough to come back to my shallow world to give me gush of happiness then yes I choose to stay shallow. I reconnected with my school friends (particularly two, who I call my Facebook queens - Mimi and Sabi). My queens we should have hung around together while three of us were in same country but then again we rule our Facebook'dom as of now. Its unusual to reflect upon the fact that we barely even spoke while at school (or may be we did of which I have no memory). I met my well wishers on my blog and as I always say when I started blogging I honestly don’t think I gave a shit whether I had 2 readers or 200 or 2000; the fact that some of you (particularly Shaku, Ronjana, Alice) have stuck around makes me very humble. I've found pleasures in the way Shaku and Sambid have let me grow in the platrorm I love the most - WRITING (and the funny thing I didn't know that I loved writing until i started lil' over three months ago)!!

     Shallow, to me is a beautiful thing without which everything becomes insightful, dingy and boring. Come to think of it, how stupid of us not to admit that shallowness is human instinct itself. We preach of things beyond our control like religion and space and yet shut our eyes to the misery right in front of us. You might say the world is turning materialistic and everything sells at surface value - superficial so to say but then again we are the ones who promoted materialism. Beauty products and bling-bling business accounts trillions of dollars in global market. Isn't it a proof enough that what meets an eye is much more important than what lies in heart. You may choose to react in the way that deem fit but lets not deny that shallowness is human virtue in lesser or greater degree. So why deny and shun away?

     "It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something", these are the beautiful words form the movie CRASH. Think about it. We lack intimacy and human connection because we are shallow or vice versa...


  1. In my opinion... :D I like to think that a balance is needed... shallowness isn't all that bad but you do have to balance it out with taking care of your personality and "what's in your heart". Yes I do have to admit I am shallow at times... we all are. It's just human. But it's true, people crave for that personal touch and they're so afraid of reaching our personally... as to me, I keep my accounts open to stay in touch... BTW Love this post :)

  2. I suppose LA refers to Little Angels School, well i was also part of that school n i know how it was. Still m lucky to be a student of such school. Shallowness, uhhmmm one has the right to be whatever one wants to b. U mentioned my name tere along with ur other friends, appreciated that.
    I never believed in internet to make friends n be close to people but now I do. Its grt to connect with ppl like u n others. Camuel Beau Pre, gratias,, is dat how u say. Keep writing

  3. thank you alice. hope you noticed ur name in one of the mentions in the post!! i agree with you all so well. what's love without some hate and what's saint without some evil. its all in balance!! thank you for loving it and i'll post my sketch for u soonish!!

  4. Je suis très heureux... were u student of L.A. as well? L.A. at the last para refers to los angeles!! yes i had to mention your name, how could't i? Camuel Beau Pre is happy to get ur critique!!

  5. Oh u wer talking bout movie Crash n LA oh got it. Uhhmm no wonder u said tubelight uuufff. :)

  6. According to me everything in this world is Planned. God decides who we meet but we decide who stays in the heart and who goes.“Strangers are friends you have yet to meet"

  7. wow sambi, that's one hell of a reply!! something to sink my teeth into and think now. LOL. i've to agree, its us who decide who stays and who walks away from our lives!! thanks for taking a time!!

  8. I agree wid Samby tht everything is planned. As rightly being said by someone:If u want to humor god,then tell him his plans. Ur plans make him laugh in case if he has already planned something else for u.

  9. Yeep..101% agreed >> "God decides who we meet but we decide who stays in the heart and who goes" Sometimes...some people we meet come and go. What's important is finding the one that is willing to stay for you. & sometimes people cross our path & we know right away that they will affect our life in some profound way.& SOMETIMES...when we feel left out..we all console ourselves and go like "its okay. people change. they come & go" ...But the truth is, no one really disappears from our life. People never really leave. THEIR ROLES JUST CHANGE...!!!

  10. gosh!! i've such intelligent readers;) i donno anything 'bout god's greater plans at all but i think, u'd get most fun out of life when u jump in dark and figure things along the way!! go with the flow... 'girl on the move' i happen to think otherwise i believe in the notion "out of sight, out of mind." but then again you are tight no one really disappears!!

  11. Oh Yes... I"m eagerly anticipating you sketch yaayy!

  12. Thank u guyz :) and dat quote is Original thought of mine :) cheerz!

  13. Shallow is what we all are in one way or the other...I also am a very bad judge of people...I look at how s/he dresses, how s/he speaks..and how s/he spells(lolz)..used to wonder if that's a bad thing but hey,that's the way we are,so why change?
    I don't really care about being shallow..nor does anyone...
    And for a shy/non-talkative person like me,fb and twitter are from heaven!!!

  14. such "glass half full" way to see things. i agree. if there is love its a hint enough that there is hate as well. black and white. no saint without sinner. shallowness is just as much in us any other human virtue;)


stay insanely happy ♥