April 3, 2011

The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

     I had been meaning to write this particular blog entry lately, but got caught up with some honky-dory stuffs that I just couldn't. From this semester we started our surgical studies. And on first day of this month we had our first hospital rounds. Skip the boring lecture part and onto the part when we went to see the patients in the critical situations (just so you know some of 'em must be already dead, as I write this // so I really meant critical).

     There are two things I'd like to highlight and shoot. Firstly, its no fancy-wancy business as ever so burgeoning teevo-serials hint but lacks all the lacklusture to the point that it might surprise you. Secondly, I was surprised to see  myself completely inquisitive but totally emotionless. That got me thinking. Ain't it funny when we go all mushy when we see the character in some movies die and won't empathize with the dying person right in front of us. Don't think that you are any different. People who works and deal with medics (doctors, pple who work in a mortuary or perhaps snipers and bounty hunters too) might have gotten better at veiling their emotions at times with all that practice but it has more to do with how unattached they are with the dying or dead in question.

     With characters in movies come their bigger and beautiful life as a backdrop accompanied with awesome musical score. And with the demise of those characters, we empathize not only with the dead but also with the people who mourn the death. To shove it down your throat, what I'm trying to say is that our life as a whole is greater than the some of its part. We relate not with the tooney-looney looks but what come with it. We click with people not because they are brawny, tall, voluptuous, with big tits or whatever but because they've lived this life that we can relate to. My mum always said "we are our experiences" as I was growing up and now I see how. As I stood there staring at those wafer thin dying patient supported by all those machines, I knew nothing about her. But had I had known the full life she had lived, I could have reacted differently.

     I deduce that what my mum says is so true. We are our experiences, we're the laughs we've laughed, we're scars-fat-wrinkles we've earned, we're the bones we've broken... So give yourself a due credit and give a big pat on your back.

P.S ... brawny, tall, voluptuous, big tits... might not always be relatable but can be wholesomely attractive.
P.S.S... being devoid of emotions to see the dying can be understandable but don't discount on showing respect.

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