There are things the characters in movies would say that completely resonates with us. Despite the fact that those characters are experiencing completely different sets of situations, they speak to us in one way or the other.
While watching 'Forrest Gump', there is one particular scene where character played by Tom Hanks is running coast to coast across the country and he says 'Shit Happens.' This might not be the most encouraging word that i picked but c'mon think about it!! How often do we get stuck with things that happened in past and over the things we have no control over? Letting go is just as important as eating and breathing. Yes, regretting comes natural to us and there is no way i am going to deny that, but let me just remind you that our perspective can be readjusted. The only kind of regretting we should be doing are on those things that we didn't do than on the things that we did.
When you are brooding over your past or making elaborate and immaculate plans for the future, you are losing your present. Its not about what happened in the past. Its not about what can happen in the future. As clichéd as it may sound 'the time is now.' It does't matter what you can be. Nothing matters than the moment at hand. Take clues from the past and plan for the future and have fun while at it. And enjoy your life NOW.
Oh well!! its time for me to practice what i just preached;)
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