March 31, 2011

our inbuilt GPRS system...

     Almost everyday I have early morning class. I just don't understand what good does it serve us with the classes as early as 8 am. Now 8 am is when class commences which means we'll have to do this tedious job of waking up at around 7 am (considering the time to freshen up, eat some breakfast, commute to school). But my dysania kicks in. I usually pass three level of snoozes, which is not bad at all. I have seen people snoozing as many as 20 times. By the time I realize its just too late, hysteria takes over. No time to eat breakfast, cloths thrown in helter-skelter fashion and I always end up forgetting something. This is the case if I happen to go to the class, most often I give in to my habit and simply miss the morning classes.

     The funny thing is whenever I decide to go to class beforehand, the morning seems much calmer. I wake up in time, dress-up and commute to class with nice music soothing to my eardrum. Today was one of such days. I was in the class much too early and even had some time to kill and hence, this post. As we come to think of it, ain't it all about willingness. The will to do whatever we choose to do will make a world of difference. And just like e=mc^2, the law of willingness is equally omnipresent. It can be applied from daily chores and can be stretched as far as to what we choose to do in the future. Our emotions and our willingness are actually just like the GPRS system. Whenever we linger around something that we don't like our body has ways to inform us, whenever there are people we rather not talk with well there is this awkward silence and you can't wait to get it over with, on contrary when we hover around whom we are totally crushing into... well you know what happens (red face, occasional stutter and accelerating heartbeat). If your job happens to be what you love to do, well congratulations you just zeroed into the very thing everybody in this world is vying for. And incase what you are doing happens to be something you don't love... hope your hellish life end like soonish. The gist remains the same, "when going gets tough, the tough gets going."

     So shall we all all give our inbuilt GPRS due credit that it truely deserves!! We often walk around saying I don't know. But take a moment and trust your feeling, our GPRS system is always giving hints in random ways, we might as well learn to get in sync with those random hints.

March 30, 2011

I taught myself a new card game..

excitement and impulse are the funny lil' things. one moment you are up n' about, the next, totally sulking and slacking things off.
     My first two years in Shanghai, I went out almost every weekend, seeing things and doing things and socializing with friends. I entered Shanghai in summer of 2008 and was at the threshold of something big in my life. I started my medical studies here. Lived in a foreign students dorm and one thing I realized about Shanghai is that it eventually turns its denizens into this massive party animals. Most of my friends were here just for the language program, but I in particular was here for a long run. I could travel around in leisurely fashion as opposed to my friends -they obviously had fewer semesters than I did. Having load'sa time at hand is a good bit but on the contrary the lack of a departure deadline gave me all the excuse I needed to kick into lazy mode. We (as in me and others who were here for long run) started slacking off and limited our outings. We spent more time wandering around city-hub and just relaxing at a whole lot. A few months later, our classes became much harder/longer and laziness gave way to exhaustion. To shove it down your throat, yes everything was postponed because we had all the time.

     Year 2010. We felt lot comfy with out position as a foreigner in this hysterically delirious place. Got into the groove with the Mandarin. Good thing about learning a language in its native habitat is that you learn it much quicker. But staying there too long takes its toll, the impulse that you feel when you just move to new place will be fast gone like it never existed. I can barely remember how I felt when I first entered this big exciting country. But I remember how restless and excited I was. On January 1, i decide to end this feeling of passiveness for good and I grabbed a spare deck of playing cards and a Sharpie and started making plans (now just so you know I got this idea from reading one of the many blogs I read in my spare times. The writer there, read Switzerland, felt much like I did and thus, I deduced similar method could be used). I cornered in my best-bud Mickey to join the band-wagon. He reasoned that, once you remove the jokers, there are roughly the same number of playing cards in a deck as there are weeks in a year. On each card, he wrote one activity : reconnecting with friends (inviting them over or skyping), go someplace new, try out new foods and restaurants, internet free weekend, community work and many others. Sometime between Monday and Wednesday of each week, Mickey shuffles the cards and I draw one: that's our activity for the weekend. We reshuffle if the activity we picked seems unlikely that particular weekend (exam and stuff).

     The blogger that got me inspired to follow in her foot-steps maintained this photo-album to document her activities around year. As for me I have Facebook to document 'em all.

So far the card got us doing:

  • Take a trip to Hangzhou (was exam stressful but survived nonetheless).
  • Invite friends for lunch.
  • Read a book.
  • Try some new restaurants (picked Mesa Manifesto in Julu road. liked the ambiance, food not so much)
They have been completed, mostly successfully. Some were more stressful than the others but thats the whole point. Now we have album full of memories and stories to tell. Oh'well am picking my next card today;)

Following random things were led to by cards.

hasta luego

March 28, 2011

faking a graduation.

     *Teehee* If graduation gown and cap is all it takes to prove that I graduated, well i declare myself as a proud graduate (well if you would be kind enough not to consider that it was for masters program and that too from another faculty and another university). I know its a whole lotta bargain, but I had wholesome fun faking a graduation.

     Ain't we all lil' dubious people. All we want is to connect with people and have fun while at it. But after we make that connection, its funny how readily we loose touch and not care much. But we whine about it here and there about life not being fair. Am not an exception. I actually faked a graduation willingly aided by Diwa and Uttam. Two of 'em entered China with me. I connected with Diwa instantly. I had no camera then and we took pictures from her cam and did bit of Beijing trotting. We parted ways and she came to Shanghai and I'd join her in Shanghai the following year. Three years running and we never kept touch and there I was on March 26th, 2011 attending her graduation and faking mine. Day-long toiling -graduation ceremony, wholesome photo-shoots, long walks, laughters, dinner party and getting drunk- and between all these, there we were catching up. She would tell me about how peppy fresh-out of high-school I was when we had last met. About how I demanded her to take my picture with The Great Wall as the backdrop (read big Great Wall wallpaper at the Beijing railway station/yeah I was that childish), about how I ate this big turkey/chicken at the station, about how happy I was taking into consideration I had just left home.

     All those chitty-chats made me realize how things change and how we change with time. Looking at those photos we took three years ago confirmed just that. We looked different, fresh and full of excitement (why wouldn't we be excited. We were at the threshold of this big adventure). I would end up meeting so many people, now so very important to me, would learn life lessons along the way, would make countless memories and laugh the countless laughs, would loose touch with so many people while making life-long friends... in a gist would live this awesome life.

     In hindsight, I realized how grateful I am for the life I have lived and how important it is to pause and marvel over your growth -spiritual and such- through years. Now I understand why people often look back at the time where there life was at such threshold and whine "those were my best days". Fresh out of something and trying to figure the piece in the jigsaw puzzle called life. Then don't we all grow up and carry this baggage with us all the time -too many things to do, places to go, things to buy, money to earn- all this while craving for the iota of time without these baggages. Oh'well am not a preacher but looking at my past photos and taking a pause with each one got me thinking. I would, therefore, try now and then to slow down and take a breather. Taking life as it is -good, bad or ugly- for each of 'em is pebbles which will possibly and hopefully turn out to be gold. So slow down peeps. I leave ya'll with the picture of me faking a graduation;)

March 25, 2011

summer and spring;)

last of winter flowers in my university. am loving the sun behind the flowers;)
     There are random moments - tossing a salad, coming up the driveway to the house, standing at the kitchen window and looking out at nothingness, hearing a burst of laughter from one of the by-passers, being with frens, sometimes doing nothing but doodling - when I feel a wavelike rush of joy. This is my true religion: arbitrary moments of of nearly painful happiness for a life I feel privileged to lead. As I look out of my window right this moment, I see sprouting buds in the tree. I smile and think to myself "bring all the sunny-days summer."

     Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it....what else comes to mind as you think of summer? Oh, eating an ice-cream to cool down the heat when it gets too hot, getting out your lawn mower and once again mowing your lawn, and a treating your eyes to blooming flowers everywhere. Not forgetting tanned skin, squinting eyes and sweaty bodies.

     As the season of hot-chocolates, rolling inside of toasty quilts and central-heating ends another season of flip-flops, suntan n' summer gossip begins. I for one can't wait until I can run outside to the season which screams "I am hot, get ready to burn it up" and guess what am ready. Summer and spring welcome back..


March 22, 2011

Hinduism is much like Harry Potter...

i stumbled upon this masterpiece wn i was in
moganshan road. had me laughin loud,
and dont just notice mr.obama!!
look for the likes of other famous figures;)
     Whenever I come across the non-Hindu people and down to introducing myself I try to keep religion thingy aside. But whenever I mention that I am Hindu, I can see their awfully peppy face changing to awfully inquisitive one. I polietly try to escape the topic whenever there's a chance. To tell you the truth, its lot easier to explain things to the inquisitive kinds (they just nod their heads and, as I assume, pretend to understand) but there are always those smart-ass people that I meet sometimes, who'd ask me questions like "is cow your god?", "do you worship snakes?","your gods look funny"..... To be honest I understand where those questions are coming from!! I usually just say one thing, "Hinduism is much like Harry Potter and The Lords of the Rings combined." We have magical land, magical creatures much like Leprechauns and Dobby. We have numerous magical spells, demons, gods and goddesses who wear dress much like Scottish kilt and Victoria's secrets lingerie. We worship some animal and on the other hand sacrifice other animals in the name of the lord. We have Kama Sutra and more festivals than days in the year (not kiddin'). Some of us are totally disgusted while others go gaga over this indecipherable religion which by the way was high in fashion during flower-power era (I mean hippie era dumbo)

     My suggestions to those who try to understand Hindu ways of life, "stop trying, we don't get most part ourselves." And much like Christians who are baptised to be Christian, we are baptised to be Hindu too (no menu of choice). So it doesn't mean every Hindu you meet is into "save a cow campaign", some of us eat beef and yes we have a day for snake but don't scratch your head we don't understand it either. Much like people celebrating Christmas to be together with their family (get real not many go teehee on X-mas because baby Jesus popped out of nowhere), we celebrate most of our religious festivals in spirit of togetherness.

     So next time you meet a Hindu and really inquisitive, just tell him you are interested to know about Hinduism rather than asking delirious questions like "do you guys believe in haree krishna ding dong..?"

March 19, 2011

how does radiation affect human?

Lemme begin by sayin' radiation is a "bad ass Dumbf*cksh*t." No i am not overstating, ya'll remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki aftermath ryte?
     Lhe unit used to measure radiation dosage is the rem (roentgen equivalent in man). It represents the amount of radiation needed to produce a particular amount of damage to living tissue. The total dose of rems determines how much harm a person suffers.
     Although a dose of just 25 rems causes some detectable changes in blood, doses to near 100 rems usually have no immediate harmful effects. Doses above 100 rems cause the first signs of radiation sickness, including nausea, vomiting, headache and some loss of white blood cells.
     Doses of 300 rems or more cause temporary hair loss but also more significant internal harm, including damage to nerve cells and the cells that line the digestive tract. Severe loss of white blood cells, which are the body's main defense against infection, makes radiation victims highly vulnerable to disease.
     Radiation also reduces production of blood platelets, which aid blood clotting, so victims of radiation sickness are also vulnerable to hemorrhaging. Half of all people exposed to 450 rems die, and doses of 800 rems or more are always fatal. There is no effective treatment for sever exposure to radiation so death occurs within two to 14 days.
     For survivors, diseases such as leukemia (cancer of the blood), lung cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and cancers of other organs can appear due to the radiation received.
     Medical science has no way of telling the difference between people who have received fatal doses and will die despite all efforts and others who received less radiation and can be saved. Treatment for the ones that can be saved includes blood transfusions and bone-marrow transplants. Bone-marrow transplants rejuvenate the supply of white blood cells, which was affected by the radiation.
Footnote :: People who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as you all know, had to go through traumatic experience not just while they were bombed but it started much later. People who rejoicing over their survival after that bombing would start bleeding through their gums weeks later :: This is not the first radiation hazard, decades ago Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in present day Ukraine, there was a radiation hazard of classified level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Cities had to be evacuated. Many countries were affected, particularly Belarus (70% of radioactive fallout landed on Belarus). Oh'well lets just hope what's happening in Japan is the last one.

chernobyl radiation disaster. 1986


hiroshima and nagasaki. 1945

March 16, 2011


     Desiderata, which in Latin means desired things, is a poetic work of pure inspiration likely penned by Max Ehrmann during the 1920s. I have to admit my knowledge in poem is almost nil and and am not an avid fan of poetic literature. But this poem is soothingly simple for me to decipher and am loving everything whatever it has to say. Just a few days ago I'd think 'Desiderata' is  some fancy Mexican dish but now i know.....

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.


March 14, 2011

Rush hour minus Jackie Chan.

CURRENT STATUS :: 12:45 in the afternoon. Waiting for my brunch (in the microwave), and telling my first Shanghai story. PRELUDE :: nasty cab ride, helter-skelter hospital, awesome Jing'an view, White Day hype and short term memory loss.

     I have story to tell. Story which is happening hyphen unfinished. Its a story about a day in Shanghai which is proving to be nothing but topsy-turvy. I had bunked the early morning class today just so I could catch up with my sleep. Then buzzed the phone when I was basking in the morning glory. I had to rush to Huashan Hospital, which is another branch of my university, to meet Dr. Huang. You see, my dear friend Melda had fractured her leg and had this dilemma to go under the knife or not. Well there I was in a cab to get to the place which, by the way is in the  walking distance from where I live (desperate times, desperate measures).

     I just got myself in the worst cab ever; not that the cab was dingy but the cab driver was a nasty pimp. He kept on taking the wrong turns and we ended up far away from where I was supposed to be. I clearly remember giving his the proper address and directions. Meter running, he later blamed me for not telling him the address properly. Hello, which part of Wulumuqi middle road, lane 12, Huashan Hospital he didn't understand? And later he just told me to stop talking (I was talking with my friend in the cell). Yeah its funny but it was an emergency case and I was prepping over what to ask to the doctor. I could have stabbed the cab driver right about then but after reminding him to watch his motormouth, I told him to hurry up. He couldn't find the place even after five minutes, so I just paid him 15 khui (which was already tad too much than the normal price to get there), and he neither bickered nor apologized (cab meter read 30 khui).

     Lets just cut to the chase, there I was in the Hospital trying to figure where to go. Ain't the people who are working there supposed to be helpful? Instead they would make me run from department to department until I was literally tired and sulking. Long story short, I met the doctor, settled the case, blah blah blah. Out and about after Hospital, off I went to satisfy my greedy stomach. After quickie food fumble there I was in Jing'an area (one of my favourite places in Shanghai). There was this big hype about White Day all over the malls around Jing'an. I wondered what that was and googled it. Oh' well realized it was some sort of Valentines day seriously taken in and around Japan/South Korea. I never liked Valentines day in the first place so this new discovery was worth an eyeroll. But then i got to see this amazing view of golden roof of Jingan Temple (must see if you are in the city). Few snaps and *crap*, I was already late.

     Final destination: I had to sign this paper for a friend. I already entered the metro and then I remembered that I had forgotten to take her passport along with me. Sulk face again. So,  had to come back to my place and later go to this place to sign those papers and between all these, those, this and that I was getting little weary. So here I am telling you the story and hoping second half of my day goes well. Microwave informs that my food is ready. Good day peeps;)

March 13, 2011

japan quake and the reminder....

“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”

Current status :: Four-thirty in the morning. Sleepy, and hungry. Completely tired after a long day's toil, but nevertheless updating myself with Japan quake news.
Japan quake status :: 8.9 magnitude quake, devastating tsunami, thousands of lives lost, nuclear plant meltdown possibility (Fukushima plant already exploded), thousands missing, death and casualty number to increase in days to come.. and so much more!!

     This just reminds me that life is so much fragile than we can possibly imagine. So fragile. So fleeting. Here for a moment and then gone. Fragile, fleeting and beautiful. Let us remind ourselves that our time on the earth is nothing but simply a small dot in the large spectrum of time. Let us remind ourselves that death comes unannounced and it does not bargain. Let us remind ourselves that it could have been us and our loved ones. Let us remind ourselves that nature is so much more powerful  than we can fathom. Let us remind ourselves that we need time to do bit of soul searching to overview our life and then do the things that keeps us fresh and happy. Realising that we could die next second or minute can actually be the greatest learning experience. You might hopefully deduce that when you stare death in the face, you’re not thinking about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, cars, jobs, titles, clothes or homes – you’re thinking about love. Love. It’s all that matters. Love for the people you care, love for the dreams you cherished and for the life you lived.

Foot-note :: Simply put, cherish the moment at hand. Days like March 11, 2011 change you. They come out of nowhere. Blue skies. Warm weather. Rolling waves. And notorious earthquake!!! My prayers to ones who are lost and also to those who are experiencing the horrible aftermath.

March 10, 2011

new tokyo terror

I can't get enuf of her. Man!! does she sound good??'
In the first of two videos below, she sings about this maid / housekeeper in some aristocratic family who complains about her master but loves him anyway. The song is called 'Apathy', which is an original. The second one is her take at the famous Beatles song 'Girl'.... do check her Youtube channel--


smile peeps, we made it!!

as i am writing, i regret not taking a picture!!
     After the oodle of foodles during our lunch break we willingly (and some unwillingly) had to go to the hospital for our first clinical class. After all those laid back and zingy-zany theories and (not so) necessary practicals, we were finally getting the taste of lushful Hospital saga. But here's the speed breaker, all of this was in Chinese. I know all you blog-buds have 'OMFG' face right about now. But lets cut to the chase and move forward. I won't bore you with the details 'bout who we met and what we went through meticulously but lets just say it didn't go perfectly. On a second thought it wasn't supposed to be perfect, we are learning and making mistake is part of it. Oh well, I just hope the patient around whom we all were hovering won't have to gaga over how each one of us manhandled her. And man!! Did we all just agree to write the report about her (not so well respiratory problem)? Oh well, all the best to each one of you with that report. And lets join our hands and be happy that she survived our tortuous ways of measuring her blood pressure (by the power vested to me by internet I proclaim her brave//lol)

     Today was a beginning, so I thought to myself why not document whatever happened, whichever way I can. So, here's a toast to our beginning and for her quick recovery. I just hope we get to learn and understand more. To progress massively and stay happy insanely. Today was another brick on the wall and we shall continue adding those bricks and have fun while at it. Ciao ciao;)

March 6, 2011

a known fact :: repeated!!

     Parents always want their children to succeed irrespective of the field they choose. But still there are some conventional aspects in society that dictates that such and such professions are regarded as prestigious, high paying and such, and human beings can't remain untouched by such temptations.
     There is a big chasm between how today's parents grew up and how their children are growing up. Today's children have much more experience than their parents and generations before that ever had scope for. The changing world had widened the perspective of career. And hence there is a huge generation gap which needs to be filled or understood. While children have their own thought about their future, parents might be preoccupied with something else. Sometimes, these differences end up in conflict leaving both parties in confusion.
     Materializing all the dreams of the life might not be possible but attempt should be made to achieve goals in life. What if the goals determined by parents and children differ?
     It is the need of the time that parents guide children considering their interest and potential. It is completely absurd to force a child to something just for the sake of social status or parent's desire. Unnecessary interference, needless to say, might also bring adverse psychological effect. Hence, it is important that parents guide their children to pursue a path in which they are interested.
     Children might as well need to articulate what they want and try to persuade the doubtful parents and parents should understand that children from the age of 16-21 are perfectly in sense to choose the future they dream. Even government knows that and hence everything that ought to be legalized gets legalized during this phase (drinking, driving licence, and much more). And pressure is pressure even if it's honey coated. I suppose, too much of positive persuasion is sort of pressure too. "Honey, u'd be a great doctor", followed by a super smile won't suffice; it's still a pressure (though on a positive scale).
     I know this is something that is known already. It was one of fleeting thoughts and i just wanted to pen it down. Peace.

March 5, 2011

word travels

I absolutely love this show in 'Discovery Travel and Living' --> Word Travels.
     Robin Esrock, one among the two hosts, constitutes in him all the qualities that I look for in a travelogue hosts. There is one particular episode while he was travelling in Thailand and he goes to see rescued elephants. Later he writes.. absurd our audacity, to abuse these majestic creatures. To starve them, beat them, emotionally scar them. One of the most emotional animals on earth!! ..folds of gray skin feels unpenetrable, with sprouts of eyelash as sharp as tooth pick, its big yellow eyes bow holds at me!! ..the look of the old wise man  who doesn't need to say anything because he knows everything!!
I loved how he put those words together;)

March 4, 2011

7 Billion: Are You Typical?

While surfing Youtube today I stumbled upon this particular video. Well, after having watched the video it got me thinking and i deduced that people in general have more similarities than the differences. we aspire to be unique all the time but are we really? or are we merely getting entangled in the repetitiveness of life (just like billion people out there). Watch and decide for yourself about where you stand in the world where everyone aspires to be nothing but unique;)
National Geographic magazine released a video clip, below, showing the most "typical" human face on the planet as part of its series on the human race called "Population 7 billion."
  The researchers conclude that a male, 28-year-old Han Chinese man is the most typical person on the planet. There are 9 million of them.The image above, is a composite of nearly 200,000 photos of men who fit that description.
Don't get used to the results, however. Within 20 years, the most typical person will reside in India.


March 3, 2011

things i know for sure 1.

disclaimer :: googled pic
     Starting today, I'd try to write something about things I know for sure. Lemme, remind myself and all you blog'buds that this is a mighty task. I was thinking earlier today about all the things I prolly know for sure and nothing (I repeat nothing), came to my mind. Even when I sit and try on my meditation skills I could never achieve that level of nothingness. But when I was talking with Sarina, who's literally like an agony aunt for me and one who gives me daily dose of positiveness (in small portions or big), I think I finally came up with one thing that is omnipresent.

     There are only number of things that I am sure or certain about, but I’m quite certain that there is a positive correlation between a person’s ability to embrace uncertainty and the degree to which that person enjoys life. Thoroughly put, you need to stretch your hands out and take what life throws at you and embrace it.. embrace uncertainties in life and enjoy the goodie good stuffs it brings alongside.

disclaimer :: googled pic
     Yes, we've choice to shut it down and we can always choose to de-channelize the stress uncertainty sometime brings along with it. But it also leaves out something far more important: All the really great stuff that we can’t even imagine. Things that are so incredibly amazing, they’re beyond our wildest dreams. Limiting uncertainties, limits ourselves. Like a robot we act and react the way out past has taught us and possibly never experience our full potential or experience serendipity. 

     There are things that needs to be planned but also you shouldn't be so immaculate with your plan that the blessing of uncertainty shuts its door towards you. After all certainty is the boring teacher and uncertainty brings all the fun with it. So follow your gut feeling and flash your dentals.

..all that bickering!!

     FIGHT or FLIGHT. These are two vital/basic human instincts, so much so that these two F's are even included in the medical curriculum. Yes, you might not know whether or not you have it in you but given a circumstance you will either fight or flight, both in accordance with how desperate you are to save yourself. If you've watched the movie 127 hours then you are familiar with the quote so fitfully used "there is no force on earth more powerful than the will to survive." no denying that... but think again... We are humans and hence, we need more than just a survival. We need mundane emotions, needy phone calls, clingy hugs and likes of such desperate show-offs to feel alive. Surviving alone won't suffice. We need to feel wanted, to love and to hate... Oh'well talking about love/hate makes me realize I haven't written about it much lately... So, let's compile the things we hate, shall we? Ahhh, we all know those arseholes, the kinds we call buzz kill. They just know how to kill the perfect happy moment and make it awkward and nasty. Below are some of the things I hate about such people...

  • When I am wearing a jacket or sweater inside and someone trying to be funny says “Are ya cold?” (subtitle : f%*@#ing MORON. es, I’m f%*@#ing COLD! f%&#K // actual response : lol. yeah!! am cold. have a good day!!)
  • Teachers : They control our clothes, our language, our routine, our learning, our learning place but they have gone too far with our bladder (go wanker, its call piss. it comes uninvited and yes, and no, I can't wait until the bell rings. big boohoo)
  • Maths : Chill, I know its important. Fractions and stuffs I get it but why on earth we need to go through bullshits of topics I'll never use in my life. What's calculator for? Ahhh, maths tormented me in school BIGTIME and in some queer way still does.
  • I hate it when in school, I write something so good for a contest, but later find out I failed. I mean, I worked my butt off for something I loved and they say it isn’t good. At least say the parts you like!
  • It’s weird, icky, and gross. That’s your personal business. Especially on a public site like this. You want the whole world to know who you’re dating? Keep it to yourself.
  • People talking in the cinema hall. (seriously, atleast shut up when I stare at you. that's like a sign!!)
  • People who brag like they are the center of the world (I don't care even if Queen gave you a blowjob and King cleaned your shit. I don't care if Obama is your first cousin or you were invited to royal wedding as VIP. It's time for you to shut up)
  • People making that noise while chewing food. (SCREAM)
  • I hate it when I browse through a Nepali page and Google asks me "do u want to translate it into Hindi?" // Google doesn't know everything afterall;)
  • People flashing their mobile display while at movies. ("I wish i was a serial killer, I'd so murder you"-->thats how I feel)
     Enough already. Too much teenie weenie twaddle about the things I hate. I have broader list under the title Love vs. HateSo my blog buds, do tell me what are the things that you find obnoxiously intolerable? What is it that you hate the most?

March 2, 2011

rama lama ding dong!!

Daoism: Shit happens.
Hinduism: This shit has happened before.
Islam: Shit will happen if our demands aren't met.
Buddhism: When shit happens, is it really shit?
7th Day Adventists: Shit happens on Saturdays.
Protestantism: Shit won't happen if I work harder.
Catholicism: If shit happens, I deserve it.
Jehovah's Witnses: Knock, knock. "Shit happens."
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to me?
Hare Krishna: Shit happens, rama lama ding dong.
Athiesm: No shit.
Zen: Neither shit nor no-shit, but non-shit.
T.V. Evangelism: Send more shit.
Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit.