January 26, 2011

duty of doubt..!!

     We are taught that the faith is virtue. This is obviously true in some cases, and to my mind equally false in others. There are occasions when the need for it must be emphasized. Nevertheless, at the present time I believe that mankind is suffering from too much, rather than too little faith, and it is the doubt rather than the faith that must be preached. I am not thinking wholly or even mainly of faith in Hinduism, in Islam, in Christianity or any other religion, but simply of the habit of taking things for granted. Nor am I preaching a blind and hapazard doubt, which is unintelligent as blind faith, and far less faithful.

     As we all know modern science began with great acts of doubt. Copernicus doubted that the sun went around the earth, Galileo that the heavy body fall faster than the light ones, Harvey that the blood flowed into the tissues through the vein. They had each a theory to replace the old one, and their observations and experiments were largely designed to support theory. But as time went on these theories, too, were found wanting. The planets don’t go round the sun in circles as Copernicus thought; gravitation is a more complex affair than Galileo or even Newton believed. And nowadays, through many experiments are made to support old or new theories, large numbers merely go to prove them false without putting in their place.

     One of the members from the Carnegie dynasty rightly slated that its harder to phrase something than to earn a million bucks. However, let me dare to phrase one for myself or for the sake of this page. Here it goes, “ITS THE NATURE OF HUMANS TO OBEY DUTY OF DOUBT”. I believe that each one of the 6 million or more people living in this earth have doubted about something, somebody or some incidents, for at-least once. So be it….

1 comment:

  1. I doubt that there are only 6 million people who doubt...


stay insanely happy ♥