December 13, 2018

Dear Yellow Rebel 🌻

Dear November,

     There was this flowerpot at this particular corner at my home. It was cold there but still this flower bloomed, a brilliant, defiant yellow. When temperature receded further, the yellow rebel reached up and whispered to the dull winter sky - FUCK YOU.

     This November was about defiance. To deviate from what I ought to and towards what I want to. To mindfully not meet some people. To turn pages and not scroll screens.
To be great at anything you gotta grind and love it. And I decided if I am going to grind, it will be with a smile. I am at this point where I am trying not to lean into my anxiety (because I am prone to doing that) and trusting the process.

     So, thank you November for being kind and letting me bloom.
And we must all aspire to be that flower and give ourselves chance to bloom. 🌻

Hello December ❤

November 2, 2018

Indulge but Never Dwell.

Highs and lows,
crests and troughs.

Dear October,

     When I read a book I never highlight nor do I fold papers (I don't want my books to think that I don't love them) but I use multiple bookmarks. I can't always re-read my favorite books but with bookmarks I can re-visit my favorite pages.
Re-read them, Re-live them. 
And dear October, I have bookmarked you as my favorite month of the year.

as an adult one often comprehends, sooner or later, that life takes its own course no matter how differently you would like to shape it. And its okay. Countless books and movies would suggest destiny is in our own hands but little bit of crookedness and mystery is perfectly alright. It keeps things exciting.

as an adult you would be bogged with monotony, no matter how exciting you life is. Highs and lows, crests and troughs. And you would lose touch with things you love - reading, writing, dancing, playing... laughing.

     Last few years have been hard. And without getting into it too much - I started let go of things I love. So you October, I decided, would be mine. I would indulge and not dwell. And I can conclude lot can happen when you decide that things should change.
Friends were united.
Foes were forgiven.
Love re-kindled.
Drinks were poured.
There was dancing, lots of dancing.
Read pending books.
Met new friends.
Tried new things.
And now re-starting to write.

I almost didn't plan anything. One thing led to another. So yes, lot can happen when you just decide that things must change. So October, you were a benchmark. You will never really fully understand you were such a massive gift and what you have done for my soul. Thank you.

And now, November.

April 16, 2018

13 Reasons Why

13 random facts about my mum (13 Reasons Why)

1. She claims that she has migration. She means migraine.
2. She claims that she has been stabbed with scissors when she was a child.
3. She drinks soda when she has gastritis. "It soothes me", she says. (Whatevs)
4. She carelessly let me have too many chocolates when I was a child that led to multiple tooth decay. (Bad Parenting)
5. She has lil' bit of Newari Tone. (So What)
6. My friends call her "Hasne auntie or Chocolate auntie." (Remember my tooth decay.)
7. She loves Rekha and has her picture on her dressing table (not ours) and her favorite color is Burgundy. Why? Because Rekha loves it too, duhhh!
8. Terrible singer. She can't sing to save her life. Neither can I.
9. I get my thick hair from her. And most of my face.
10. Her friend stole her notebook right before her Masters exam. They are not in touch. She has some bad friends.
11. She named me Pritish. Other family members protested. She lost. Now I am Shailesh.
12. She loves "Bakula and Mula ko tarkari." (So Weird)
13. Her son loves her very much.

Timi haroo pani mero aama ko mukh hera la and Happy mothers day to all the mums in the world. You all make life bearable <3